Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Father Bayo Adrien talks about US, Universal Siblings and Universal Solutions. We have to take ownership of the problems and the solutions. Abstinence-centered educaiton is needed not just in the schools but in the pulpits.

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Commissioner Jennifer Krouse-Stopping the Sexualization of Children

Jefferson County Commissioner Jennifer Krouse speaks on stopping the sexualization of children in Jefferson County Public Schools and Providing a Positive Alternative at the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum on July 22nd, 2023.

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Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution

Richard describes the disconnect between talking about societal breakdown and the cause of societal breakdown, which is the decline of two-parent families. With nearly 50% of all births in West Virginia (and elsewhere) coming outside of marriage, it is no wonder that schools are filled with out of control youth.
What is the solution?
A revolution of abstinence-centered education, looking forward to successful marriage as the goal.

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Dump Google

Google censors what you see by manipulating search results. Gmail decides which emails will go into your spam folder, sometimes even when you have marked them as not spam. Your Android phone tracks everywhere you go. Google Analytics follows you across the web and tracks what sites you visit. If you are a religious Google employee of the Christian faith, Google literally thinks you are insane.
Mojeek.com is a much better choice for an unbiased search engine.

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Restoring Election Integrity-The Four for the Core Program

It is essential to restore election integrity. The Four for the Core program is a good start. You can do this program in your own county.

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Absolute Sexual Ethics is the Solution to the Transgender Issue

How can we solve the problem of youth being taken in by the transgender and homosexual agenda? We need to proactively teach our youth absolute sexual ethics.

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Dr. John Money’s Transgender Fraud

Few know that the whole transgender movement was started by Dr. John Money of Johns Hopkins University. He claimed that his experiment on the Reimer twins was a success, but it was actually a complete failure. Furthermore, Money sexually abused the boys and thought that sex between adults and children is okay.

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Satan Was the First Pedophile

What is behind the Trans movement? Why is it so odious, and what must we do to stop it?
This three part series will dive into these topics.

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Make Love, Not War; Rev. Moon’s Solution to the War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine can be described as Biden’s war. Victoria Nuland was involved in encouraging and facilitating the coup that overthrew the legitimately elected president of Ukraine. In 2014, 97% of the residents in Crimea voted to be a part of Russia, yet the US and Europe did not recognize that referendum. Biden’s family is deeply embedded in Ukraine, receiving 100’s of thousands of dollars through various Ukrainian entities.
Yet, Rev. Sun Myung Moon many years ago, proposed a unique solution to this conflict. Listen to find out what it is.

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COVID Crimes-Never Forget

We must never forget the devastation, death and suffering caused by the unholy alliance of Big Pharma and government agencies. President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about this in his farewell address in 1961.
President Trump needs to come clean on this issue, or he will lose many independent and Republican supporters in 2024.

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