Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now

Holding Our Children Hostage

Baylie Hoffman, a West Virginia high school senior writes:

The fact that I am starting my senior year of high school on a laptop is absolutely mind boggling. Let me explain a few reasons why. This just scratches the surface.

There are 75 active cases in my county of approximately 56,450 people. READ. THAT. AGAIN!!!! Okay, maybe that didn’t sink in. Let me put it into perspective.

75 is .13% of 56,450. So a TENTH of a percent of the population of my county, has Covid right now. Yet, the people in charge have decided that it’s unsafe to attend school, sporting events, and social activities? WHAT?!

I agree.  Why are we not letting all West Virginia students get back to school?

Viruses spread, run their course and then decline.  No evidence shows that any of the interventions that have taken place, such as lockdowns, social distancing, or face masks are effective at containing the spread of the virus.  The fatality rate for those under age 44 is 0.01%, the same as the fatality rate for automobile accidents.  Children are not known to be a significant transmitter of COVID-19. For ages 45 to 54 the fatality rate is 0.14%.  For those up to age 55 to 64, there is a higher fatality rate of 0.48%.

So why all the hysteria.  Virologists understand that viruses can and will spread, and that after a period of time, many will have been infected, and then herd immunity will take effect.  So it is not the number of cases that we should be concerned about, but rather excess mortality.  That number for the United States appears to be declining, and will become more clear in the coming weeks. 

So yes, open all of the schools.  If any staff member is immune compromised, then they should be excused from coming to the school.  Teachers and staff would do well to turn off the main stream media and base their decisions on the facts mentioned here.

Consider also that only 6% of all the fatalities reported as COVID-19 fatalities involved only COVID-19.  All the rest involved comorbidities.  Some may be closely related to COVID-19 infection, so the diagnoses may be reasonable.  But others are not so clear, such as heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure   and “other medical conditions”.  (See a description here).

Also, let’s consider the real damage to the social and psychological well-being of our children by forcing them to distance themselves from one another, wear masks, or, in Baylie’s case, stay at home altogether. 

The West Virginia legislature should convene immediately and put an end to Governor Justice’s unjustified mandates.  It should fall to each individual and family, in the case of minors, to decide what actions are appropriate.  If those who deem themselves at high risk wish to wear a face mask, fine.  But it is not the role of the government to mandate “protective measures” based on dubious assumptions of effectiveness.  The numbers bandied about since the beginning of this “pandemic” have been highly inflated, and continue to be inaccurate.

Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now

Unmasking the COVID-19 Hysteria in West Virginia and the United States

Unmasking the Covid-19 Hysteria in West Virginia and the United States.

                COVID-19 is what I would call the first political disease.  Decisions are not being made based on sound scientific principles, but rather on a mix of ignorance, political agendas and corporate greed and conflicts of interest.

In West Virginia, there have supposedly been 5480 cases and 102 deaths as of July 23rd, 2020.  I say supposedly, because Covid-19 may be listed as the cause of death when, likely, there were two or more other serious underlying conditions.  In the case of seasonal flu, that is not considered a reportable disease.  But Covid-19 was made a reportable disease.  In fact, Covid-19 had to be listed on the death certificate, even when it may not have been the actual cause of death.

Right now, according to the official West Virginia Department of Health website 78 people are hospitalized and 33 are in the ICU.  Underlying conditions are not listed.  Age is not listed.

The daily deaths in West Virginia are between 0 and 1 person.  78 people are hospitalized for COVID-19 (or with COVID-19, and other confounding illnesses?) and 33 are in the Intensive Care Unit.

Is this a state of emergency?  First of all, we don’t know the age or other illnesses that those affected have.  Secondly, let’s compare this to deaths from influenza and pneumonia, which are usually grouped together, in West Virginia.  That number is about 450 deaths per year.  If the death rate continued at about one person every two days, then some 200 people would (supposedly) die from COVID-19, although in the great majority of cases, well over 90 %, there is some other illness present as well.

So why all the hype.  Why mask mandates which have no precedence, and no studies to show they are effective.  Why social distancing, with no studies either to show effectiveness.  These are political moves to make people fearful.  And who would want to make people fearful.  Could it be pharmaceutical companies, who will make billions if a vaccine, which is likely to do more harm than good, is released.  Could it be politicians, both on the right and left, who don’t want to see the United States be prosperous under the leadership of President Trump?  Could they have an agenda of not wanting President Trump to be reelected?

And why aren’t the media outlets focusing on the real suffering of many who have lost their businesses and are struggling to make ends meet.  Could it be that they don’t want people to think about these things, but only about how it is necessary to follow the (random) dictates of governors or others who wish to exceed their authority? 

What about going back to school.  Data shows that COVID-19 has an almost zero fatality rate among children, and that children are not a significant vector for transmitting the SARS-CO-V2 virus to adults.  So, again, is the refusal of teachers unions to go back to work based on what is best for society, or on another agenda?  In fact, when children are infected, with no symptoms, they can develop immunity, which will help the whole society move toward herd immunity.  So a greater number of cases is not bad.  Respiratory viruses move through the community, and people develop immunity.  Especially for those under 65 years of age, this virus is less lethal than influenza.  So, again, a larger number of cases is part of the inevitable progression of the disease. 

And since studies show that healthy asymptomatic people are not a primary transmission source of SARS CO-V2, why the mask mandates?  Is it in the best interests of society, and respecting of personal rights and freedoms, or is there another agenda.

What about (un)social distancing.  Why is six feet the magic number?  Why not 3 ft. or 8 ft?  What studies have shown that mask and (un)social distancing mandates are an effective strategy for preventing the spread of SARS-COv2?  Answer: None.  Masking and (un)social distancing are based on hypotheses and political agendas, not facts.

And why aren’t there studies being done emphasizing the huge damage to health of delayed treatment for cancer, or diabetes, or a host of other illnesses.  How about depression, suicide and lost years of life?

Finally, the “protests” and riots following Memorial Day weekend lay to rest any thought that the COVID-19 “crisis” is not a political disease.  Suddenly, lock downs in places like Washington DC and Chicago were shattered with nary an arrest of the marauding “protesters” for violating mask and/or social distancing mandates.  Yet, before that, the mayors of these cities and many other jurisdictions had threatened that anyone who went out without a mask could face fines and arrests.  Yet that was not enforced among protesters.  In fact, Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington DC rebuffed and kicked out the National Guard, but was more than happy to let looters run rampant without being arrested.

Yes, COVID-19 is a political disease.  Governor Jim Justice of West Virginia who has promoted a false narrative that has caused the loss of God-given personal freedoms while parroting the false narrative of an “emergency” needs to be removed from office in November.  President Trump seems to be awakening more in recent days to this false narrative and the bad advice given by Anthony Fauci.  I hope that he continues to awaken to the real nature of this political disease.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now Presidential Politics Vaccine Choice

Fauci’s Department Funded (illegal?) Gain of Function Research in Wuhan China

Watch Fire Anthony Fauci for Conflicts of Interest and Creating a Political Disease

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It was announced on October 28, 2019 that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a part of the NIH would receive $100 million in grants for HIV and sickle cell research from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now Vaccine Choice

God’s Purpose vs. Bill Gate’s Purpose

View: The COVID-19 Agenda: What is Really Going On?

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Each day 21,000 children die from starvation and disease.

Each day some 25,000 people die of starvation

3,000,000 children die of hunger in India every year

Vikram Patel writes:

But what do the hundreds of millions of Indians who face penury as a consequence of these lock-downs think about these policies? Is the risk of contracting a flu-like illness worth your family going hungry for weeks or longer? Why is it so much worse than other deadly infectious diseases, from TB to Japanese Encephalitis, which have been killing millions each year for decades? How do people who live jammed cheek to jowl in squalid slums with no water to drink and no money to buy food “socially distance”, “wash hands thoroughly with soap” and “use sanitisers frequently”? Why did the people who queued up with me on the street outside a half-shuttered grocery store, minutes after the PM’s speech, to stock up on essentials, get lathi-charged by imperious police? This, in Goa, where the COVID-19 case count is an impressive zero.

Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now

Bill Gates Wants to Shut Down the Whole County for Three Months

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On the Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Apirl 2, 2020, Bill Gates said:

There isn’t a choice, where you get to say to people ‘Don’t pay attention to this epidemic’. Most people, they have older relatives, they’re worried about getting sick. The idea of a normal economy, it’s not there as a choice. About 80% of people are going to change their activities. If you get the other 20% to go along with that, nation-wide, then the disease numbers will flatten, hopefully in the next month, and start to go down, hopefully, in the month after that. And then when they’ve gone down a lot, then in a tasteful way, using prioritized testing, you can start to re-open a lot of things like schools and work; probably not sports events because the chance of mass bread, there is, is quite large.

And so, to get back, economically taking the pain extremely now, and telling those who wouldn’t curb their activities, no, you must go along with the rest of society, and not associate in a way that we have exponential increase in these cases.

That is the right thing even though it’s extremely painful; it’s unheard of, and there are particular businesses that it’s catastrophic for. That’s the only way. So you can feel like you can say to the entire population, ideally in the early summer if things go well, yes, now please do resume. And we are, through testing, making sure that it won’t spread in some very, very big ways.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom Open the Country Now Vaccine Choice

The Gates Foundation is the Second Largest Funder of the World Health Organization

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On January 16th, 2019, the World Health Organization issued a report ranking vaccine hesitancy as one of the top 10 threats to global health in 2019. You didn’t know that vaccine hesitancy was one of the top 12 threats? Well, that’s what the World Health Organization says. The World Health Organization and US government are founding partners of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. In 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided $750 million in seed money to spearhead the creation of Gavi, which is a public private partnership and multilateral funding mechanism involving the WHO, the governments, the vaccine industry, the World Bank, philanthropic foundations and civil society groups to improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest countries.

Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now

The Great Fraud-The Covid-19 Agenda-Part 2: What Are the Real Number of Deaths-Article?

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A Jama Research Paper published March 23 says that in Italy a review paper on co-morbidity factors with a Sub-sample of 355 patients shows a:
                Mean age:  79.5
                2.7 existing conditions
                Only 3 patients had no pre-existing conditions (less than 1%)
If someone died, and tested positive for corona virus, it was counted as corona virus death

In Spain-All deaths outside of hospital counted as Covid-19 deaths.

In Britain-also, without testing- they are counting many (all?) deaths outside of hospital as Covid 19 related.

In the United States-most people are 70 or older and have underlying conditions.

Flu mortality vs Covid-19 mortality

                2017-18 season-79,000 cases

This flu season 23,000 deaths

                139 child deaths

38,000,000 cases

In 2017-18 some hospitals set up clinics in the parking lot:

West Virginia-449 were killed in 2017 from influenza or pneumonia; 69% were 75 years of age or older.

We now have 2 deaths in West Virginia; an 88 year old woman, and another person with several underlying health conditions and our state is locked down-does that make any sense?

No evidence of excess mortality or hospitals being excessively busy at this time

In Tennesse there are about 966 empty hospital beds in Memphis and 338 empty beds in region 1.

In San Miguel County, CO there are 8 positive tests,  most never had any symptoms. Less than 1% infected

Mild illness, no children died-no reports of distress in children

All of these things point to massive fraud by medical authorities and the media

Open the country now!

Report real data morbidity this year vs last year

Report only those dieing of Covid-19, not all  those who happen to have the virus

Report how many hospital beds are empty (or if all are full).

It appears that there is an agenda going on here.

Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now Religious Freedom Vaccine Choice

The Great Fraud: the Covid-19 Agenda- Part 1 Introduction-Article

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We are in a state of spiritual emergency

Will we have the wherewithal to overcome the current onslaught?

Churches have been Shut Down.

A threat to permanently close churches has been made by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Surveillance and enforcement has been used to force people to stay in their homes.

In this series we will look at the following topics:

2. What are the real statistics of deaths and Covid-19 cases; which data can be trusted?

3. What are the real number of deaths?

4. What are the reasons or motivations for mis-reporting fatalities in each country or state?

5. What is the connection to conflicts of interest w big Pharma, Bill Gates and other elites?

6. What are other similar examples of false narratives, such as the measles outbreaks in California and New York State?

7. What is the significance of the timeline of Covid-19 in the United States?

8. What is the role of spiritual revival and Rev. Sun Myung Moon?

Call to Action:

1. Open the Country Now; immediately rescind the stay at home recommendation
2. Use real data on morbidity ad hospital usage vs the data from the last two years
3. Expose conflicts of interest; bring in independent voices like Jon Ioannidis.  Remove Dr. Fauci; he has huge conflicts of interest with donations from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation
4. Include spiritual leaders.  This crisis has not only an external but a spiritual dimension.  Stay at home orders curtail freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.