Ethical Business Salvation

Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Practical Vision to Save America

I was fortunate to work in a key project that Rev. Sun Myung Moon founded in 1987 to save America from its moral and spiritual and physical decline.  In his wisdom, Rev. Moon founded a business with the salvation of America at its heart.  The logo embodies the heart behind this ministry

It was originally named the Happy Mind Home Shopping Club.  However, due to complaints from the Home Shopping Network, the name was changed to the Happy Mind Shop at Home Service.

The service was launched in September, 1987 from a warehouse on V St. NE in Washington, DC.  Initially there were about 1000 non perishable products stocked that could be delivered to customers’ homes.  Later, this was expanded to a selection of about 6000 products, including perishable items.  At that time, there was only one other home delivery service in Metro Washington DC, Telegrocer (no longer in business).  As usual, Rev. Moon was way ahead of his time.

I became one of the first delivery agents for the company.  My delivery area was in the Brookland area and vicinity of Washington, DC.  The company did direct mail advertising, and I began delivering to a few customers.  My wife Stacey and I promoted the service door to door in our neighborhood, too.

According to Rev. Moon, who visited the business location on June 30 1990 (I’m not 100% sure of the year), the Happy Mind Shop at Home Service has three main purposes:

  • To facilitate the accomplishment of Home Church (more about this later).
  • To facilitate the promotion of the Washington Times Newspaper.
  • To allow those doing the business to make money.

In 1989 I moved to the Capitol Hill area of Washington DC.  Renee Corley was the Happy Mind delivery agent in that area at the time.  She had just moved out of the area, so I took over her area, which we served continuously until May, 2016.

According to Larry Moffit, at a meeting at the Washington Times building, Rev. Moon stated when asked what his most important legacy in the United States would be, he answered, “The Happy Mind Shop at Home Service”.  I think that this tells us a lot about the heart of Rev. Moon.  He was and still is a man on a mission to save all of the people in the United States, and the world.  But, practically speaking, how?  How will every home in the United States be reached?

We can understand something of Rev. Moon’s heart when we look at this excerpt from a speech given on January 8th, 1976 at Jacob House in Tarrytown, NY:

In this religion each person is so important as to correspond to thousands of members. You and all under you will collapse. Know how many people are in the church. Find out how many of the world’s population must be taken care of by each of you.  You are responsible for the eternal life of so many people.

On January 1st, 1979, Rev. Moon launched “Home Church”.  Home church is a practical ministry to serve and educate families in a 360 home area or multiple thereof, such as 720 homes, 1080 homes, or a 3.6 mile radius area.  Going back to Rev. Moon’s words above, if there are 1000 people who understand this imperative, and 327 million people and the average household size is 3.6 people, then each person would be responsible for about 91,000 homes.

In September 2004 Rev. Moon conducted his last Hoon Dok Hae before leaving America for an extended time.  The meeting was held at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, Virginia.  At that time, he instructed that the section on Home Church and Tong Ban Breakthrough be read (Cheon Seong Gyeong pp. 2021 to 2078).  So these were the instruction that he left America with as he returned to Korea for an extended period.  As such, we should study and pay close attention to these words.

But how, practically, could you take care of a specific geographic area with thousands of homes.

In the Cheon Seong Gyeong on p. 2056 Rev. Moon explains

I created a company named, Happy Mind, which in Korean is Haeng bok eui
Ma-eum. It is a company I have developed and invested in continually for sev-
en years. What does this company do?  It is for the organization of the Home
Church. This organization should be connected to the tong ban breakthrough
activities and should try to win over the families. Once you win them over,
then everything will be possible. There is no better foundation that exists for
the mobilization of the masses. (213-299,1991.1.21)

Enter the Urban Grocery Delivery System.  Unfortunately, the Happy Mind Home Shopping Service closed in June, 1994.  Fortunately, Urban Grocery took the foundation started with the Happy Mind Shop at Home Service and beginning on July 5th, 1994, developed it into what is now the Urban Grocery Delivery System.

Watch this video to see why every community servant should be utilizing the Urban Grocery Delivery System:

Presidential Politics

Is Hillary Clinton Really a Woman of Integrity and the “Lesser of Two Evils”

Hillary Clinton is not a woman of integrity. You could only believe that she has integrity and is the “lesser of two evils” if you think that there is no difference between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker , the protagonists of the Star Wars movies, or if you believe there is no difference between Jesus and Satan.

Webster’s New World Dictionary defines “integrity” as “the quality or state of being of sound moral principle; uprighness, honesty, and sincerity.”  Hillary Clinton’s words and actions regarding her personal email accounts used while Secretary of State are byzantine enough to make your eyes glaze over, but please bear with me, as these words and actions indicate a lot about what kind of person she is.

In 2013 it became known that Clinton was using her private email server at her home, rather than a secure one at the department of state.  Prior to that, Freedom of Information requests for Clinton’s emails, which are public information that is supposed to be recorded, by law, where ignored for four years by the State Department.  No wonder, since the emails archives were not kept at the State Department, as required by law.  Clinton was certainly well aware of the fact that all business emails that she sent had to be archived.  She simply ignored this requirement, which is typical of her arrogant attitude, feeling that she is above the law.

Later, when it became imperative, she turned over paper copies of emails.  Yet, she deleted the entire contents of her email server, after being directed to turn over all of her emails.  Only half of the emails were saved on a thumb drive.  It is still unknown if any of these deleted emails could be recovered from the server.  She claims the 30,000 deleted emails were all personal,  Consiering her extreme lack of candor and evasiveness about here email server, this claim is highly suspect, to say the least.

Clinton has made conflicting claims regarding her knowledge of classified information sent through her email account.  First she said there was no classified information on her server.  Then she said she did not know it was classified.  Now it turns out that officials had asked for some emails to receive a lower classification rating.  Of course, this conflicts with the argument that there was no classified information to begin with.  Oh, and did I mention that it is rather hard to know if the 30,000 deleted emails contained classified information or not.  Dozens of emails regarding official State Department business not released by Clinton have turned up recently.

So why is all this important.  It says a lot about who Hillary Clinton is.  She wants us to believe that she is fit to be President of the United States.  Yet she carelessly handled sensitive classified information, flaunted laws to archive the communications of public officials, and lied about here wrongdoings repeatedly.  Furthermore, it is plausible that her husband, Bill Clinton, discussed the matter with the Attorney General of the United States, Loretta Lynch, during a private meeting on the tarmac of Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix.  Incredibly, although FBI director Comey said she violated the law, no charges were filed.  Former US Attorney Joseph “DiGenova says “people both currently in the FBI and with the FBI consider Comey to be a dirty cop. Wherever you turn, wherever you go, you find that Comey blocked the legitimate investigation.”

So here is the message for us.  If you are Hillary Clinton, you can ignore the law, flaunt the law and break the law and get away with it.  You can lie about it and hope that people will be foolish enough to believe you.

This behavior is reminiscent of her involvement with the Whitewater Scandal 20 years ago in Arkansas.

Remember that this is by no means the first controversy involving  a lack of integrity and lying by Hillary Clinton.  This type of lying and obfuscation is reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s involvemnet in the Whitewater Scandal, the Travelgate Scandal at the White House, plus the Filegate Scandal at the White House.  All of these scandals involved Hillary Clinton during her husband’s two terms at the White House.

New York Times columnist William Safire, who had endorsed Bill Clinton in the previous election, wrote that many Americans were coming to the “sad realization that our First Lady—a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation—is a congenital liar.”


Abortion Homosexuality Presidential Politics Religious Freedom Sexual Abstinence Social Issues

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton on Abortion, Same Sex Marriage, Abstinence Education & Religious Freedom

Here is a summary of Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s views on social issues and religious freedom:

Issue Hillary Clinton Positions Donald Trump Positions Hillary Clinton quotes/voting  Donald Trump Quotes Other Quotes
Abortion is a woman’s unrestricted right  Strongly Agrees  Opposes  Clinton scores 100% by NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) on pro-choice voting record “I hate the concept of abortion.”  
Should Planned Parenthood get Federal Funds  Yes, strongly agrees  No, disagrees “I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood, I’ll never stop fighting to protect the ability and right of every woman in this country to make her own health decisions.” “Planned Parenthood should absolutely be defunded”  
Supports partial-birth abortion  Yes No  Voted NO on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life    Mike Pence:
“I can’t understand is with Hillary Clinton, and now Senator Kaine by her side, to support a practice like partial birth abortion.,The very idea that a child that is almost born into the world could still have their life taken from them is just anathema to me, and I can’t conscience about a party that supports that.”
Believes in the Sanctity of Life  No Yes  “Mike Pence:
The sanctity of life proceeds out of the belief, that ancient principle, where God says before you were formed in the womb I knew you.”
Supports Same-Sex Marriage  Yes, Strongly Supports Opposes   “I just don’t feel good about it. I don’t feel right about it. I’m against it, and I take a lot of heat because I come from New York. You know, for New York it’s like, how can you be against gay marriage? But I’m opposed to gay marriage.”  “Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right,”
Keep God in the Public Square  Mixed Opinions Strongly Supports  “Far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth,… And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”  What offends me is the way our religious beliefs are being treated in public. There are restrictions on what you can say and what you can’t say, as well as what you can put up in a public area. The belief in the lessons of the Bible has had a lot to do with our growth and success. That’s our tradition, and for more than 200 years it has worked very well. * (See below)  
Supports teaching abstinence from sex before marriage  No ? Speaking on defunding Planned Parenthood: “We’ve seen them in Florida where Jeb Bush funneled millions of taxpayer dollars into abstinence-only programs while gutting funds for crucial family planning programs.”    

*Trump, continued:  “For years you’d have beautiful mangers in public spaces and nobody complained about it.
Now? Mary and the baby Jesus are seldom shown. Even the word “Christmas” has somehow become controversial. Who in the world could be offended by someone saying “Merry Christmas”?! That greeting isn’t critical of any other religion, and it isn’t being disrespectful to those who practice another religion. It’s a wonderful tradition.
The same people who demand respect for their beliefs often don’t show respect for the beliefs of others. It seems like every week there is a negative ruling on some issue having to do with Christianity. I think it’s outrageous.”

Here are two good articles on Hillary Clinton’s dubious claim that she defends religious freedom:

Hillary Clinton Claims She “Defends Religious Freedom.” A Christian Writer’s Response is Priceless


Hillary loves religious freedom … only for Muslim foreign nationals reports that
““I am deeply troubled by the emails within the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign that show senior campaign officials smearing and ridiculing Roman Catholics and evangelicals.  This is anti-Christian bigotry, pure and simple.  It is sad, offensive, and un-American,” he told