Why Abstinence Matters-Interview with Sharon Owusu-Banahene

Is sexual abstinence before marriage a realistic standard in today’s world? Should sexual abstinence be the standard for Christian courtship or dating? Explore these and related questions with Sharon, host of the Motivation Mondays with Sharon podcast. Urban Life Training abstinence-centered workshop: https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/ind… https://www.urbanlifetraining.org

God in the Public Square-Interview with Philip Sharp

Pastor and podcaster Philip Sharp discusses the current conflicts occurring in our society and what the role of the church and God’s people is.

God In the Public Square

What is the proper role of God in the public square? Is there a “wall of separation” between church and state? How did Abraham Lincoln handle this question?

All Black Lives Matter-Planned Parenthood’s Black Genocide

5770 black children are aborted every week in the United States. That is 30% of abortions with blacks being 13.4 % of the population. Many black pastors sanction this black genocide. Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist.

Why Abstinence Matters-4: Sex Outside of Marriage Harms Society

By all accounts, children growing up without fathers experience negative effects. Purchase the recording of the Urban Life Training Chapter Workshop: https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/109-training/363-the-chapter-training-workshop-is-now-available.

Why Abstinence Matters-3; Fatherlessness and Rage

Why Abstinence Matters-2: We Have Become Diseased Spiritually and Physically

Why Abstinence Matters-1: The Fall of Man

Why is Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage so Crucial. What is the meaning of the Fall of Man? Study the teaching of Rev. Sun Myung Moon: https://tparents.org/Library/Unification/Books/DP06/0-Toc.htm

A True Movement of Peace Starts with God-Centered Families

What is the Black Lives Matter Ideology?

What does Black Lives Matter actually believe, in their own words? Is it godly? Does it promote peace or conflict?