Christianity Marriage Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics Unificationism

#124-Richard Urban-Solving Today’s Problems with a God-centered and Abstinence-Centered Worldview

    God must come first for any solution to the world’s problems to happen.  Furthermore, Richard discusses how the Unification Principle, revealed by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, presents a Biblical worldview with additional insight and understanding.  
    A core understanding is that The Human Fall involved a premature sexual relationship.  This understanding helps us to understand the world’s problems, and specifically the rampant sexual confusion and corruption.

The Strengthening Families and Communities Forum is part of the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, sponsored by Visionroot.

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Family Family Breakdown Politics Racism School Boards

#123 – Patti Hidalgo Menders-Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Patti details her journey from March 2020 until now as she has fought to bring children back to in person learning, expose and root out Critical Race Theory and protect children from explicit sexual indoctrination.

Patti’s greatest accomplishment is as a Loudoun Mom of Six Sons, a Daughter to parents who escaped communist Cuba and a Loudoun Advocate that continues to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.
She is the Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
She is the Founder/Director of the Loudoun Conservatives Care state PAC, which puts on events for conservatives and raises money for local charities, Republican Candidates, and Conservative organizations.

The Strengthening Families and Communities Forum is sponsored by VisionRoot, and is part of the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop.

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Christianity Critical Race Theory Homosexuality Marriage Politics Sexual Abstinence Sexual Abuse Sexual Ethics

Join Patti Hidalgo Menders & Richard Urban at the Family & Community Strengthening Forum

With family breakdown and sexual confusion accelerating, causing harm to our children, what can be done?
 Patti Hidalgo Menders is as a Loudoun Mom of Six Sons, a Daughter to parents who escaped communist Cuba and a Loudoun Advocate that continues to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.
She is the Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.

Richard Urban is Co-founder, VisionRoot, Urban Life Training and Urban Grocery.  Richard has been teaching abstinence-centered curricula and organizing clubs for middle and high school youth in Washington DC and elsewhere since 2002.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Ethical Business Medical Freedom Vaccine Choice

#121 – Stop the COVID Bioweapon Shots Now!

Up to Feb 17, 2023, VAERS reports 34,478 deaths and 282,890 serious injuries requiring hospitalization from COVID shots.  At a modest 5 times underreporting rate, that is 172,390 deaths and 1,414,450 serious adverse reactions.  What!
Data released from Pfizer that Pfizer wanted to hide for 75 years shows that of the 32 pregnancies they knew the outcome of among women in the jab trials, 87.5% resulted in the death of the fetus or neonate.
Incredibly, no outcome was provided for 238 other pregnancies in the bioweapon shot trials.  Why not?  Reference here.
For children, a hospital in Canada reports a 100 times increase in myocarditis, from 2 cases per year to 27 cases in 6 weeks.  Reference here.


Hold those accountable, from Fauci and the developers of the bioweapon, to those that created the shots, to all those profiting from and distributing the shots.

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Christianity Family Family Breakdown Homosexuality Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon Salvation Sexual Abstinence

Why Is Society in Such a Mess?

Family breakdown is the factor driving all other problems in society. But why has rapid family breakdown and gender confusion occurred, especially in the last 15 years? Richard dives deeper into this critical issue.

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Freedom of Speech School Boards Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

#119-Kelly Kohls-We Have a Parent Problem & Concluding Discussion

We have to teach our children to not be bullied by both children and adults who say that their feelings are offended.
Presentation given at the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum.

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Family Breakdown Sexual Ethics Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

#118-Jamal Johnson-He Who Controls the Narrative Controls Society

Jamal Johnson discusses how the core issues of society revolve around the sexual relationship of men and women. The archangel, the Devil started a false narrative. False narratives persist today in the narratives of the homosexual alphabet crowd. Those asserting these false narratives have become dominant in society, and we need to be aware of how this happened and to define the narrative ourselves.
Featuring: Andy Wells

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Family Family Breakdown Homosexuality Marriage Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

#116 – Michael Marshall – The Radical Change in Family Relationships and Marriage from being Centered on Child Welfare to being Centered on Self Pleasure

Michael Marshall, Editor Emeritus of UPI explains how progressives routinely ignore the numerous benefits for child welfare of marriage between a man and a woman.  Instead, they focus on whatever makes the two partners of whatever type happy.
Children are the losers in this new paradigm.
Resources mentioned in the video:
International Federation for Family Development:
Family Research Council:
Heritage Foundation:

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#115-Neighborhood Economics

Should big government handle the social welfare “safety net”, or should neighbors work together to handle the welfare of all of those in their neighborhood themselves?

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Family Breakdown School Boards Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics

#114 – Richard Urban – We Must Create a Culture Where Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage is the Standard in Order to Preserve the Future of Society

Richard Urban, the founder of VisonRoot and Urban Life Training, explains how we can return our communities, society and nation to health.  He features news about the conviction of former Jefferson County, WV health teacher Edward Belmonte, who has been convicted of 13 felonies for having sex with a student.  The same teacher responded to Jefferson County Board of Education Testimony by Richard Urban, saying that abstinence education does not work.  That testimony is included in the show.  Three months later, Belmonte was having sex with a student.

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